What would Christopher Reeve look like in Henry Cavill’s Superman costume

Henry Cavill's Superman costume

A new piece of fan art environs what Christopher Reeve would look like in the Henry Cavill Superman costume. Superman was one of the first popular superheroes, dating back to 1937 with his first film. Over the years, there have been hundreds of comics about the man of steel, as well as many actors who have portrayed him in TV shows and films.

Reeve may not have been the first actor to play Superman, but he quickly became one of the most popular versions of the character starting in 1978 when he starred in Richard Donner’s Superman. Christopher Reeve played the character in three sequels, with his last appearance coming in 1987 in the critically panned Superman IV: The Quest for Peace. Fast forward to 2013, and fans would be treated to Man of Steel starring Henry Cavill. Cavill’s portrayal of Superman got mixed reviews, mainly because he wasn’t the Big Blue Boyscout that fans have come to know and love. However, most people appreciated the creative decisions that went into Superman’s suit.

For fans that have ever wanted to see Christopher Reeve in Cavill’s Superman suit, zerologhy has you covered. The artist made a Superman poster with Reeve’s head photoshopped onto Cavill’s body and a destroyed Daily Planet in the background. Zerology’s full post can be seen below.


Cavill has appeared in three DCEU films as Superman, but his character’s future is currently unknown. DC has stopped trying to compete with Marvel on the creation of a cinematic universe, with Warner Bros. now focusing more on stand-alone DC adventures. Unfortunately, that Superman is unknown as Cavill makes the future. Cavill is more than willing to return as Superman to the Man of Steel 2 and even suggested that Brainiac should be the villain. With that in mind, there is no telling if Warner Bros. will ever make Man of Steel 2 or if they will re-mold Superman now that they have to re-mold Batman. Cavill has also remained focused on his future as Superman to keep quiet about the New York League’s Snyder cut.

There has always been a debate on who the best Superman is, and many people vote to take the title Reeve. The Reeve suit was (and still is) iconic, but it just wouldn’t have looked right in a modern Superman film. That being said, Cavill used to wear the Reeve Superman suit in the screen tests for the Man of Steel, so it’s fun to have his situation reversed, and Cavill see Reeve in a modern Superman suit.

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