What Should You Do To Stay Safe on a College Campus?

college party

There are a lot of people who look forward to going to college. This is an opportunity to meet new people, gain a sense of independence, and form relationships that could last for the rest of someone’s life. On the other hand, people always have to place their safety at the top of the priority list. Sadly, rates of sexual assault on college campuses are high. Furthermore, they might also be underreported, not every sexual assault ends up in the hands of law enforcement. Universities also have an incentive to cover up crimes on campus, as they are worried it could impact their application rates. If you were going off to college, you need to know how to stay safe. What are things you can do to protect yourself on campus? 

Understand That You Have Resources Available To You

First, you have to make sure you understand that you have resources that are available to you. Who should you contact if you need help? Where do you need to go? Some of the resources that you need to keep in mind include a local sexual assault service provider, a campus police station, and even the campus health center. A lot of universities have emergency phones scattered across college campuses. You should also make sure that you program the number for the campus security department on your cell phone. That way, you always have someone to contact if you feel like you need assistance. 

Keep an Eye on Your Drinks at All Times

Furthermore, you should also make sure that you keep an eye on your drinks at all times. Unfortunately, some people end up getting drugged when they go to parties. If you are planning on drinking at a party, make sure that you bring your own drinks. Or, make sure that the drinks are bottled, canned, and have not been opened before you drink from them. You should always make sure that you know exactly what goes into your drinks. That way, you do not have to worry about getting drugged by someone when you go to a party. 

Try To Avoid Being Alone with Someone You Don’t Know

Finally, you need to stay alert at all times. As you go from place to place, including parties, make sure that you are not alone with someone you do not know. If you are going to a party for the first time, make sure that you bring a friend with you. If you are going out to hang out with a group of friends, make sure that you do not walk to that location alone. If you always make sure that you have someone else with you, you reduce the chances of being taken advantage of. College is a time to generate more independence. On the other hand, you should make sure that you have someone else around you if you are in an unfamiliar situation. 

Stay Safe on College Campuses

These are a few of the most important steps that people need to follow if they are looking for ways to stay safe on college campuses. Unfortunately, the rates of sexual assault are high and likely underreported. As a result, it is important for everyone to understand what their resources are, make sure they stay safe at parties, and try to be around other trusted people when they are in unfamiliar situations. Every university should have resources available for students who are victims of sexual assault. It is important for students to understand what they are.