Why You Should Choose Eco-Friendly Bottles over the Plastic: The land has been hit hard by plastic production. About 8 million plastics are dumped into the oceans every year. It pollutes water and kills marine life. Destroyed not only the habitats of these innocent animals, but also their species. This garbage vortex is called the Great Pacific Garbage Patch because of its massive plastic island in the ocean that covers 1.6 million kilometers, carrying roughly 100 kilograms per kilometer. One of the main sources of this plastic is conventional plastic bottles. People consume water from them once and leave this garbage to destroy Mother Earth forever. 95% of this plastic is not even recyclable, and what remains is recyclable, very toxic, and this procedure causes other environmental problems such as global warming. After plastic bags, it is now necessary to exclude plastic bottles from the market. This global move could save the oceans and soil from destruction by these toxic chemicals. When these chemicals are absorbed into the soil, it can cause soil infertility as well as poison our vegetables with these chemicals. A healthy move to eliminate plastic can be made by replacing plastic bottles with aluminum bottles filled with purified and filtered water. Aluminum bottles have been proven to have many more benefits and minimal environmental impact. Reliable and trusted companies not only care about your health by providing the best distilled water, but also supply aluminum bottles to keep the environment intact. For more information, click on this link.
Why You Should Choose Eco-Friendly Bottles over the Plastic
Facts about plastic bottles
Water companies that produce plastic bottles are at least 40% fake; they only pour wastewater into plastic bottles. This wastewater, which is already polluted and harmful to health, is mixed with plastic chemicals from bottles that do not meet this standard. It is better to be thirsty than to drink this poisonous drink. The truth about these plastic bottles is that they are made of non-standard polymers, including polyethylene and ethylene. This can cause a specific chemical called BPA, which is a solvent in water and other beverages. This toxic chemical is soluble in colorless water and forces us to drink toxic chemicals. In contrast, aluminum bottles are made of 100% recyclable aluminum. This prevents the absorption of any toxic chemicals and even protects the water from sunlight and heat. It is very easy and convenient to transport anywhere, and there is no need to throw it away after reuse, it saves the place from debris. If we think about it wisely, it is better to get one aluminum bottle in 30 days instead of 30 plastic bottles. Using one refillable aluminum bottle allows you to save 240 plastic bottles per year. One plastic bottle takes about 450 years to completely destroy and free the earth. It’s time to take any action against the plastic pandemic, plastic bottles emit more than 121 million tons of waste annually, and most of them are never recycled.
Health threats of plastic bottles
The chemical caused by plastic called Bisphenol A (BPA) has numerous health threats. It can seep into water or beverage through plastic bottles that are made with BPA. It can affect the brain, glands, fetuses, infants, and children. It is one of the cancer-causing agents. Along with harming a fetus, it can cause lifetime infertility. It is also contributing to diseases like diabetes, obesity, and heart problems. These health threats cannot be ignored. Comparative to that aluminum has no such health threats. Drinking distilled water from aluminum bottles can ensure its purity and save us from diseases caused by BPA.
Get BPA free water
The convenient way of getting BPA free pure water is by using aluminum over plastic. Aluminum is free of such chemicals and toxins. Good companies are working on both pure water and their packaging. If pure and distilled water is stored in plastic bottles and absorb BPA then it is no longer pure. Portable aluminum packaging is bringing ease to life. Get BPA free pure water in reusable aluminum packaging.
The impact of plastic bottle replacement
It will save us 47 million gallons of oil every year, which is used in the production of plastic bottles. It will also save the environment from gallons of garbage. Our bodies will be BPA free and healthy by saving us from deadly diseases like cancer. Carrying reusable bottles can provoke drinking water and can help us maintain a healthy habit. It will raise awareness in the society against the plastic pandemic.
Steps we need to take
This is the right time to fight against plastic for our health and the environment. Simple small steps taken by us can bring a change on the community level. Even caring about the environment and marine life is considered to be social work. Here are some trouble-free actions which can change the destiny of our dear planet.
- Get pure distilled BPA free water in aluminum bottles.
- Do not throw these bottles after one use, they can be reused.
- Do not worry about the environment while using aluminum bottles, they are eco-friendly.
- Say no to plastic bottles and other plastic products.
- Check the quality of the distilled water provided by the market
- Let your loved ones know about the health and environmental hazards of plastic bottles.
- Drink eight glasses of pure distilled bottled water every day.
- Get eco-friendly bottles and reuse them, stay safe, and keep your environment clean.
The luxury of aluminum bottles
Stylish and fashionable aluminum bottles can be your everyday friend. You need to get the right amount of water every day. Lightweight bottles help control water consumption. The purified water offered in aluminum bottles demonstrates the company’s loyalty and consideration. The company, which provides aluminum bottles, takes great care of the customer’s health and the environment. What’s more, it’s a luxury for today’s life, deliver bottled water home and enjoy.
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