How a Mega Clean Detox Works for Full Body Cleansing

Mega Clean

Detox cleanses have gained in immense popularity over the years. More people are becoming aware of the amount of chemicals and toxins they are exposed to on a daily basis: Pollution, processed foods, household cleaners, body care, and plastics. These toxins build up in the body and result in a variety of symptoms. Some signs of toxin buildup include digestive issues, fatigue, dull skin, acne breakouts, weight gain, and sleep problems. 

A cleanse can help detox the body. However, there are so many cleanses out there that it can be confusing trying to figure out which one you should do. Some take days or even weeks, which is inconvenient for many people. As an alternative, you may want to try a quicker cleanse, such as Detoxify xxtra clean, as it only requires a few hours and it has multiple benefits.

What is Mega Clean?

Another popular cleanse is Detoxify mega clean. This is an herbal cleanse, which means that it fortifies the body with vitamins and minerals, which is important, as some are lost with most cleanses. Mega clean helps rid the body of high levels of toxins from the urinary, digestive, and circulatory systems. It is the perfect cleanse for someone who does not have a lot of time, as it only takes three to four hours.

The cleanse, available in grape or tropical fruit flavors, is extremely easy to do, as well. Follow the directions, which will have you take the cleanse and specific amounts of water at certain intervals. Prepare to pee a lot, as this is how the toxins exit the body.

Remove Toxins from the Body

An herbal cleanse detox is a great way to remove toxins from the body. However, it is not the only way. For a quick detox from a hangover, food poisoning, or binge eating, try Polisorb. This enterosorbent binds to chemicals and toxins in the digestive tract and escorts them out of the body, leaving all the good stuff in the body. Unlike other fast cleanses that take three to four hours, this can bring discomfort relief in only 15 minutes.

There are other natural ways you can detox the body. Drinking a lot of water helps to rid the body of unwanted toxins, and you can prevent further buildup by limiting or avoiding processed foods, smoking, and alcohol.

Your diet can also contribute to detoxing. For example, cilantro helps rid the body of chemicals and heavy metals. Increasing your intake of organic vegetables and fruit will increase antioxidants in the body, which fight off free radicals from chemicals. Eating foods rich in sulfur or prebiotics also helps the body detox. Examples of detox-supporting foods are:

  • Broccoli
  • Onions
  • Garlic
  • Eggs
  • Tomatoes
  • Bananas
  • Artichokes
  • Asparagus
  • Oats

If you reduce your exposure to toxins and chemicals, you will not need to do a cleanse as frequently. Some ways to do this include switching to natural cleaning products and body care, such as lotions, deodorants, shampoo, and makeup. Eating organic as much as possible also reduces the intake of pesticides and other chemicals.