Why Herbal Remedies for Anxiety Actually Work


Parenting can often feel daunting. You are the only one who can care for and protect your child against the threats of the world. Unfortunately, some threats to your child’s well-being come from inside themselves, often influenced by outside stressors.

Anxiety is a relatively common condition, and it can be even more common among adolescents. Despite the commonness of the condition, many parents are reluctant to put their children on prescription medications. Thankfully, you can use a child anxiety treatment at home with over-the-counter and herbal remedies. However, it is still stressed that you seek guidance from your child’s pediatrician before starting any new routine.

1. Backed By Science

When looking for anxiety medication for children, you will find several prescriptions that are proven effective in the treatment of extreme cases. However, not every child will require such potent drugs.

Do not let a medication’s non-prescription status trick you into thinking it is not effective. Many herbal remedies and OTC medications use science-backed ingredients to increase the product’s effectiveness. That said, not all OTC products are created equal, and since they are not held to the same rigorous standards as prescription medications, you will want to use caution in your selection. Choose only recognized and well-known brands. You can also look for options from certifying bodies outside of the FDA.

2. No Harmful Side Effects

Something you will find in the best non prescription anxiety medication is a lack of harmful side effects, which cannot be said for every prescription medication. OTC options typically do not result in severe side effects, which is why they can be sold in such ways. However, every patient is different. Even though most herbal remedies available to treat anxiety do not have any adverse effects in general, it is still best to consult with your child’s pediatrician to ensure safety.

That being said, herbal remedies do not contain the harsh chemicals and ingredients of many prescription medications, meaning the odds of a severe reaction are minimal. When combining the lack of side effects with science-backed research, it is hard to argue against the use of herbal anxiety treatments as a first line of defense.

3. Readily Available

The most significant advantage of OTC herbal anxiety remedies is the availability of the products. There is no need to set a doctor’s appointment or wait for various test results. An OTC option can provide immediate relief without the hassle.

Still, it would be best to remember that herbal remedies will not be effective for every person. Sometimes, the anxiety condition is severe and will require prescription intervention and possibly talk therapy. In fact, it might be in your child’s best interest to speak to a therapist.

Are you or your child dealing with bouts of anxiety? If so, check out some of the most popular and effective herbal anxiety remedies online. Collect a few names of popular products, and contact your doctor’s office to discuss their effectiveness and safety.