Marvel has announced a new Spider-Man animated series named Disney Jr. as “Marvel Spidey and his amazing friends” at the Disney D23 Expo on Friday evening. The series is set to release in the year 2021, which will also be the first year of the series.
This series will be the first full-length series from Marvel for Disney Junior. After the recent controversy that related to her casting in Spider-Man and Marvel took place, everything changed. According to source media, there is a rift between Disney, which happens to be Marvel’s parent company, and Sony created an enmity that created Kevin Feige to exit the production of the Spider-Man franchise. Spider-Man then began to exit the MCU and Marvel Studios.
Of course, Spider-Man’s exit left people, including children devastated and disappointed. Although Marvel may not bring back their beloved Tom Holland aka Spider-Man back to the MCU as Sony owns their character for two more films, a minor amount by announcing the animated series of the same on our favorite studio Disney Jr. I can repay love Now, at least toddlers will be happy to see Peter Parker crawl over tall buildings.
SVP of Court Lane, Marvel Animation and Family Entertainment shared the announcement about the first animated series as they said: “Preschool kids already love Spidey, so they’re happy Peter Parker is wapping across their screens in this new series Will be done.” In Marvel Spidey and his amazing friends, the kids will witness their favorite superheroes, not in a single avatar, but fight evil with other friends like Miles Morales and Gwen aka Ghost Spider. The only protagonist in this series will help it to learn what it is to fight crime with friends and how teamwork is most important to succeed in bad. Luckily we will witness heroes like Hulk and Black Leopard as well as helping Spidey to fight over the arrogant and aliens.
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