Top 10 Facts About COVID-19, also known as the Coronavirus for Students


COVID-19, also known as coronavirus, has been shaking the world for some time. The world is in a panic due to a lack of information in terms of spreading the virus and lack of treatment options. People don’t really understand the virus, how it spreads, or how to prevent it. Some do not even know how dangerous it is, while others panic more than they want to.

Coronavirus may not be as deadly as some think, but it does not mean that you should not take the necessary precautions to avoid spreading it to you or the people around you. As a student, you will meet many people and perhaps attend classes, maybe even crowded areas such as presentations or parties.

This makes it even more critical for you to learn the top 10 Facts About COVID-19 that will help you protect yourself and your family. Here’s what you need to know.

1. COVID-19 is Spread Similarly to the Flu

According to the CDC, the coronavirus is spread similarly to the flu. It spreads through respiratory drops through contact between people, mostly when someone sneezes or coughs. It can also spread through contact with the infected surface.

When someone with whom the virus sneezes, coughs, or even talks, they can spread these drops a short distance. Also, if you are not near, the tears will settle on the surrounding surfaces. Later you can become infected if you touch the cover and then, without washing your hands, touch your nose, mouth, or your eyes.

2. The Virus Stays on Surfaces

The coronavirus is hardy and will remain on surfaces for at least several hours. If you avoid busy areas that are prone to infection in the first place, then you are the safest. So, try to study at home for some time and, instead of spending a busy hour in your paper research library, go online to do your research. You can find some free essay examples at for reference, as well as asking professionals to help you with the writing part.

3. COVID-19 is Not a Nasty Killer

This is what scares people the most – deaths. Nevertheless, you should know that COVID-19 is rarely the killer of infected patients. And, if you stop to consider that the flu that spreads every winter kills hundreds of people every year, this virus is not fatal after all.

Most people who catch the new virus recover at their home. Some of them need hospitalization and medical help to fight the infection. In a small number of patients, COVID 19 is fatal. No one is sure whether coronaviruses can call for mortality, but, according to the Director-General of the World Health Organization, around 3.6% of all reported COVID 19 patients worldwide have died. In over 42,000 analysis records in China, the death rate is estimated to be 3.6%.

4. Your pet Won’t Pass on Coronavirus to You

Anyone can say this for sure, but there is currently no confirmation that a pet cat or dog can pass on Covid-19. Right now, most of the global outbreak is driven by transmission between humans. Nevertheless, you should make a habit of washing your hands after touching your pet, just in case.

5. There is no cure

The thing that makes this virus scary is that we know very little about it. It spreads really fast, and there are no drugs or vaccines for it. If antibiotics do not work with the virus, there is no cure. Most people get better on their own, and the only treatment is to help relieve the symptoms of infection.

Right now, many countries work on Moderna vaccine development and testing that will help spread or reduce the virus’s woes.

5. Some people are at a higher risk for coronavirus

As I’ve mentioned before, some people are more likely to develop the virus and not get more severe symptoms. Males are affected more often, at least in the place where the virus originated – China. There is still no explanation for this.

People who have underlying medical conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease, or any lung issues are at higher risk. If you fall into these categories, you need to be extra careful.

6. It is safe to eat Chinese food

Eating Chinese food is as healthy as any other food. Yes, the virus began to spread in China, but it is much less likely to survive on surfaces such as cups and plates. Nevertheless, you should try and refrain from consuming food at this point and cook at home.

8. You Can Protect Yourself

There are ways to protect yourself and significantly reduce the chances of catching viruses. If you have, then it is equally important to protect others. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Avoid touching your nose, mouth, and eyes
  • If you’re a sick stay home
  • Cover your sneeze and cough with a tissue
  • Clean surfaces and objects that are often touched
  • Wash your hands very often and use hand sanitizer

9. Face Masks aren’t Very Useful

Many people wear face masks with an attempt to prevent disease. Some even try to benefit from selling them. But the truth is, there is little evidence that these masks work. Some experts believe that masks will not stop you from catching the virus, but may help prevent it from spreading to others.

Nevertheless, some measures are better than no rules. Eventually, if you come in contact with an infected person, the mask will prevent the droplets from reaching your face directly.

10. Garlic and Booze Aren’t a Cure

Do not disturb the intake of garlic or alcohol to prevent catching the virus. None of this will protect you – it’s just a myth.

Something as coronavirus may not be as deadly as it used to be, but it is still not a good thing. There is little known information about it, and there is no cure. That is why we all should try our best to stop it from spreading.

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