In this 53-year-old film, Salman Khan is still the most eligible bachelor in Bollywood. Dabangg Khan had already admitted that he was very close to marrying his previous girlfriend, but at that time he was not working. He is still living his life as a singleton and has always insisted that he is waiting for the right girl to get married. And it seems that the wait is over as Salman launched the 2010 period action drama Veer in Bollywood, he is ready to marry her.
As rumors and Bollywood celebrities go hand in hand, the Hate Story actress was recently asked to spread funny news about herself. And she responded to ETimes and said, “I would like to spread a funny rumor that Salman Khan is marrying me.”
Later, when Salman asked Zarine, Karan Singh Grover and Gautam Rode who they wanted to kill, marry or kill, he replied, “I don’t want to kill anyone, and I don’t want to believe in marriage.” Because it is a pure constitution, but it is done today. I have a joke, hook up with … Gautam is married, and Karan is also married, Salman is married.
A few months ago, a source in the Khan family revealed the real reason behind Salman’s single status. Salman had said that he was on the verge of marrying his girlfriends Somy Ali and Sangeeta Bijlani and had even printed wedding cards, but things didn’t work out in the end. He was also serious about Katrina Kaif whom he dated for almost 7 years before separating in 2015.
“Salman Bhai is known for his family going all out. His love transcends in selfless loyalty. Many times he was close to getting married, but each time he valued as much as his family as another person was unable to give. Salman thought it would be unfair to commit to a partner and not be able to give his percentage, which is the real reason he is single, “Khan A source close to the family was told by the Bombay Times.
So if Zarine ever wants to marry Salman, they will have to wait a little longer until Dabangg Khan feels that this is the right time.
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