Rick and Morty is an American television show that is designed to be broadcast on Cartoon Network’s late-night channel, Adult Swim. The show is a science fiction animated series produced by Dan Harmon and Justin Roland. The first episode of the show first aired on December 2, 2013.
The show is currently in its fourth season, though; it is yet to be completed. Although fans are still awaiting the full airing of the fourth season, producers and directors have already hinted for a fifth season. The show is widely accepted and liked by many worldwide.
Date of release
The fourth season of Rick and Morty was supposed to have a total of ten episodes. The first episode of the season aired on November 10, 2019. After this, the show was stopped. The exact reason for this was not apparent. However, one reason may be that since the storyline often changes, it takes time for the episode to end. The season came to a standstill after the first five episodes aired.
The fans have been eagerly waiting for the rest of the episodes. The wait is finally over. The remaining episodes, starting from the 6th episode will be aired May 3, 2020, onward. The producers of the show took to Twitter to announce the date of release. However, there are also rumors floating around about the delay of the show due to the Coronavirus. However, these are not to be trusted because they have not been confirmed yet.
There seems to be almost no change in the cast of the animated sitcom for this episode as well. We can see Justin Roland as Ricky and Morty. The others include Chris Parnell as Jerry Smith, Spencer Grammer as Summer Smith, and Sarah Chalke as Beth as Beth Smith.
Plot and Spoiler Alert!
No plot has been revealed for the sixth episode yet. Fans should also remember that the storyline changes frequently and is unpredictable. So, nothing has been known yet. However, we can say that the sixth episode can pick up where the fifth episode left off.
In the fifth episode, Rick can be seen dying repeatedly. Morty discovered a whole race of new space snakes after the snake bit. In the following sixth episode, a pair of grandchildren can be seen carrying a snake race.
Here’s a spoiler for you! The trailer shows Rick performing a sort of flick on the evil Morty. Therefore, we can revive Morty. But it should be remembered that nothing can be guessed when it comes to this show. Stay tuned for more updates.
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