Joker review roundup: Best social horror film, Joaquin Phoenix film is “bold,” “twisted,” “aggressive” take

Joker review roundup: Best social horror film, Joaquin Phoenix film is "bold," "twisted," "aggressive" take

Joaquin Phoenix’s performance as the criminal clown who turns into the Joker has received glowing reviews from critics. The story of one of the darkest villains from DC history was screened at the Venice Film Festival.

Directed by Todd Phillips, Joker shows the profound transformation of a loner named Arthur Fleck into the criminal mastermind everyone knows him as today.

Joker holds a 86 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes. The critical consensus is, “Joker gives its infamous central character a chillingly plausible origin story that serves as a brilliant showcase for its star and a dark evolution for comics-inspired cinema.”

The review from Time Out read, “This is a truly nightmarish vision of late-era capitalism arguably the best social horror film since Get Out and Joaquin Phoenix is magnetic in it.”

Joker review roundup: Best social horror film, Joaquin Phoenix film is "bold," "twisted," "aggressive" take
Image Source: India Today

Variety wrote that the Joker “manages to quickly tell the Joker’s story as if it were unprecedented.” “Many people have asked, and with good reason: Do we need another Joker film? We badly want comic-book movies that have the integrity that comes out in the real world, because Is there anything more dramatic than a wager? Is the question that the film is going to gross a billion dollars worldwide, Joker manages to tell the Joker’s original story as if it is unprecedented Was. We feel a tingle when Bruce Wayne comes into the picture. He’s less of a force than an omen. And when we see Arthur coming out of the other side of his rage, a deeply deranged thrill. The feel emerges wearing smiley makeup, green hair, an orange vest, and a rust-colored suit. “

Empire said it was “a sad, chaotic, slow-burning study.” “But your sympathy, even sympathy, is not guaranteed, and it begins to dissolve as Arthur somehow proceeds to the edges. This is, we must not forget how a villain was made Story of. But whether writer/director Todd Phillips and co-writer Scott Silver (8 Mile, The Fighter) wrote Jay as a character in life. What he and the film are interested in is mental, Moral, emotional, physical makeup. Joker made. “

The Guardian wrote, “Having brazenly plundered the films of Scorsese, Phillips fashions stolen ingredients into something new, so that what began as a gleeful cosplay session turns progressively more dangerous and somehow more relevant, too.”

A Forbes review reads that ‘everyone is stunned by what Phoenix is ​​doing.’ “Joaquin Phoenix gives a tour de force performance, fearless and stunning in its emotional depth and physicality.” It is impossible to talk about this without referencing the Heath Ledger Oscar-winning performance from The Dark Knight, widely known as The Joker’s Definitive Live-Action depiction is supposed to be, so let’s talk about it. The fact is, everyone is stunned by what Phoenix accomplished, because what many thoughts were impossible. The match is likely more probable that the Joker of the Dark Knight’s crime is more than the prince. “

However, not all reviews were positive. The film was criticized for glorifying the bloody protagonist and shallow political and social commentary.

Time magazine wrote, “Phillips might want us to think he’s giving us all a film about the void of our culture, but in reality, he’s just offering this a prime example.”

Read Wrap, “If you exclude the Joker as a cultural icon and his nearly 80-year history bar from the film, as well as all 1970s film tributes, there’s not a whole lot left except for Phoenix’s performance, And this is the kind of turn that is destined to be divisive. “

The Joker will hit the screens on October 4.

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