Thanos’ defeat leaves the door open for another big Marvel powerful villains to take his place

Marvel powerful villains

Thanos was finally dispatched (twice!) On the course of Avengers: Endgame, leaving longtime fans of the Marvel cinematic universe to ponder how future films in the series would fill the antagonistic role he captured. Thanos’ defeat leaves the door open for another big powerful villains to take his place; However, this formidable character is a challenging task to follow. Thanos was established as the primary enemy of the Marvel Cinematic Universe for six years, ever since he first turned around to give a grin during the Avengers’ credits. Since then, his powerful nature in the universe was made abundantly clear, especially after he pulled off his evil plan at the end of Avengers: Infinity War.

After all of that hype and subsequent mayhem caused by Thanos, how exactly can the MCU deliver future villains that this iconic enemy can measure? Well, the very defeat of that character could help open the door for later powerful opponents to emerge on the future Marvel Cinematic Universe title. Considering things from the perspective of in-universe supervillains, an influential figure like Thanos being entirely off the table now leaves his place to open an opening for new enemies. The evil men previously scared to deal with Thanos and his gauntlet now have a chance to step out of the shadows and conquer the world.

Crafting writers, the next wave of the MCU story needs to see Thanos as a figure whose power kept equally formidable adversaries at bay. His defeat has left a void in the universe. Dormammu, Mandarin, and even Doctor Doom (who wonders the film’s rights again), all can now step up to the plate as giant evil forces, because they don’t clash with Thanos and all of his power. Couldn’t Marvel superheroes like Thor only be intimidated by Thanos — whose predecessor — the unseen Superkhalayan — was not afraid of this purple beast as well?

Marvel powerful villains
Image Source: Screen Rant

Of course, such fears have now been removed from the hearts of super villains in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The Avengers take out Thanos took out a threat, but it is easy to see that victory opens the door to a whole avalanche of new threats to emerge. One can easily find the Doctor strange in the multiverse of madness featuring a version of Dormammu that, being defeated in the wake of Thanos, sees an opportunity for himself heretofore to raise unknown levels of power. Likewise, there is a whole slew of powerful villains whose film rights were previously exclusively owned as 20th Century Fox, such as the Fantastic Four estate, that could emerge after Thanos’ demise.

Is this not a logical extension of Thanos being taken down for the Ganges, now facing a lesser challenger, to emerge as a multi-film baddie whose power dwarfs even those used by Thanos. Has been The sheer Thanos possesses, as well as his pop-culture ubiquity, puts a higher level of pressure on those tasked with creating powerful villains of the future for members of the Marvel cinematic universe to face. But every end is someone else’s beginning, and it’s an outcome where it’s easy to see Thanos’ demise at the end of Avengers: The Endgame is also an incentive for more and more supervillains to follow.

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