How Contact Centre Monitoring Can Improve Performance

Contact Centre Monitoring

Contact monitoring is vital for the efficiency of contact centre operations. Not only the supervisors and agents but also the customers benefit from it. As the contact centre is the first point of contact for the customers in case something goes wrong or if they need any help, it is important the performance is continuously monitored and improved. Choosing the right contact centre monitoring solutions can ensure seamless monitoring. Constant monitoring is also a great way to know if the agents are solving customer problems and addressing their concerns. 

Why Should You Monitor the Contact Centre? 

Almost all contact centres already have some kind of agent monitoring in place to keep an eye on how they are interacting with customers. The rest are planning to join the bandwagon soon by archiving voice call data in the coming years. Agent interactions with customers offer a wealth of data not only to assess their performances but also to address the gaps, if any. 

Agent monitoring is useful for:

  • Identifying the average time taken by an agent on customer interactions
  • Understanding how an agent handles customers, especially in difficult interactions
  • Whether there is an opportunity to upsell and if the agent has taken advantage of that opportunity
  • Rating the agents’ performance relative to their peers

Monitoring a contact centre’s interactions with customers offer deeper insights into the centre’s operations, which in turn can be beneficial for the agents, supervisors, and customers. Let us see how monitoring helps each. 

Benefits for Agents

The two most important benefits of monitoring are performance improvement and the ability to seize upselling opportunities. An agent can evaluate own performance by listening back to the tapes and finding out where there were gaps. Monitoring the agent’s interactions with customers is crucial to know if the agent has delivered a good experience. Supervisors can listen in on calls, review on-screen, and video interactions of the agent. It gives the supervisor great insight into the agent’s ability to handle customers effectively. Any shortcomings can be addressed through personalised coaching or training. 

Monitoring also helps to identify upselling opportunities. If an agent misses out on that, the supervisor can use the call records to show where the opportunity arose and how to deal with such a scenario in the future. This makes them better equipped to leverage any opportunity that may come their way. 

Benefits for Supervisors

Contact centre monitoring benefits the supervisors too because:

  • They get deeper insights into contact centre operations
  • It enables workforce optimisation
  • It makes workforce management efficient and smooth

When the supervisors gain deeper insights into contact centre operations, they understand the working of the centre very well. Factors like time taken to handle customer requests, how agents deal with difficult situations, and what the customer experience is, everything becomes clearer. All this information can be used to improve the efficiency of the centre further. 

It also helps the supervisor to assign the right job to the right person. It also offers a chance to recognise and reward extraordinary performances. Furthermore, when the agents know they are being monitored, they’ll be motivated to give their best at all times. This improves the overall quality of service. 

Benefit for Customers

The customers get the best experience from the centre as their problems are solved quickly without many hassles. As the right person is assigned for the right job, they get the best results. 

In short, contact centre monitoring is beneficial to all the parties involved as it results in greater efficiency, better conversion rates, and higher customer satisfaction among others. 

Contact us for more information about efficiently managing your call centre operations.