Tom Holland reveals he knows All MCU Spider-Man 3 Spoilers

Tom Holland

Tom Holland reveals that he knows all of Spider-Man: Homecoming 3 after a pitch meeting with failed Sony and Miracle. Since joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the 2016 Captain America: Civil War, the actor, has become a fan-favorite figure in the franchise, winning audiences with his genuine enthusiasm. Tom Holland is very passionate about playing Peter Parker, as the role he played in helping Sony and Disney to a new deal is evidence of last year of having Spider-Man in the MCU. Although fans praised Holland’s sentiment, the actor tends to plunge into some hot water.

Over the years, Tom Holland earned himself a notorious reputation for spoiling major MCU film descriptions in interviews. Marvel is aware of this, Holland was not allowed to read the Infinity War and endgame scripts, and Benedict Cumberbatch was paired with Holland on the Infinity War press tour to serve as a babysitter, and the youngster was given the film. To prevent spoilage. Miracle Better Hope Holland has gotten better at keeping secrets, as he now knows if the plan is for the next standalone Spider-Man installment.

Speaking with HeyUGuys at the premiere for his new film Ahead, Holland was asked about the future of Spider-Man. He revealed what he knows about what the filmmakers have in mind and cracked a joke about his interest to fail:

“I know everything now. I had my big pitch meeting with Marvel and Sony about two weeks ago and I know all the secrets. But I’ve also done about a thousand interviews, so I know how not to spoil a movie anymore!”

Tom Holland
Image Source: Screen Rant

Time will tell how Holland hasn’t really learned how to spoil a film, but it makes sense that studios are keeping him in the know now. To begin filming this summer for Spider-Man: Homecoming 3, a July 2021 release date is going to be completed, rather than being brought to Holland sooner rather than later. Despite Holland’s history, this is not a project where filmmakers can afford to go undercover with him. Holland is the star of this film and needs to be kept up to date so that she can prepare for her role. This is not like the endgame, where he had a brief appearance towards the end of the film. It goes without saying Holland would need to read Spider-Man: Homecoming 3 script.

It will be interesting to see if Spider-Man: Homecoming 3 does anything to further the growing connection between the MCU and Sony’s Spider-Man spinoff films. Morbius lays the foundation for future crossovers by revealing the trailer Michael Keaton’s Vulture is in the movie, and Venom 2 marketing is now getting into the fun. While Spider-Man: Homecoming 3 is primarily going to be a home sequel away from that, following up on the film Cliffhanger (and also the film setting up Peter’s appearance in the next MCU team), it is likely some Easter eggs for Sony’s films Could facilitate, After all, Holland is rumored to have a cameo in the upcoming Venom 2. If studios want anything on this front to be saved as a surprise, then if Spider-Man: Homecoming 3 makes the feature connection to Sony’s franchise, Holland must be at its best to keep its mouth shut.

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