When your employees take advantage of your company’s small business health insurance Texas, it benefits both your employees and your company. A greater number of employees enrolled in your benefits program can reduce the costs of participation per employee.
If you feel that not enough of your employees are enrolling in your health benefits plan, there are some strategies you can use to potentially increase enrollment. The following are five things you can do to make it easier for your employees to enroll in your benefits plans.
Hand out hard copy literature explaining plan details
Not all of your employees are going to want to read about plan options on a computer screen. That’s why it’s important to offer both paper copies of brochures and online access to information about your plans.
Answer all employee questions about benefits plans promptly and completely
Employees could become frustrated and discouraged from enrolling in your benefits plans if they are not able to get the answers they’re looking for promptly. That’s why you need to make sure that you’re not taking a long time to provide answers to your employees’ benefits questions.
Make sure that it’s easy for your employees to communicate with you regarding benefits plans. Keep numerous communication channels open to them including email and face-to-face communication during office hours so that employees have all of their uncertainties cleared up before their enrollment period is over.
Explain benefits plan procedures during company meetings
One of the most important things you need to do to make sure your employees are aware of your benefits offerings is having staff meetings in which benefits plans are explained.
Make sure all new employees sit through at least one meeting where benefits plans are discussed in detail and employees are made aware of when their enrollment period is over.
Offer online enrollment
By offering online enrollment, you can get more employees signed up for your benefits plans. Online enrollment gives your employees the opportunity to sign up for a plan in their spare time. This decreases the chances that they’ll forego benefits because they were too busy to get enrolled.
Keep track of employee participation rates
It’s a good idea to record statistics on employee participation rates over time. This way, you can see if your efforts have increased plan participation among your employees.
Consider which of the above-mentioned strategies will show the best results in increasing employee enrollment at your company. Getting more employees enrolled in your health coverage plans can improve employee health and satisfaction at your company.