James Gunn closes a popular fan theory about Captain America, and Star-Lord debated on Reddit

Captain America

James Gunn closes a popular fan theory about Captain America, and Star-Lord: The hidden aspects about the characters in the MCU have to go on and on the rumour mill, debating Reddit several times, and becoming mainstream media narratives on their own. One of many’s wildest theories is that Peter Kalm is related to one of the most famous Avengers, from the Star God / Guardian of the Galaxy.

Those already familiar with the Star God know that he is related (less than half) to one of the Celestials. However, the pen is also human blood and possibly belongs to many other people.

Galaxy Vol with James Gunn. Working on the upcoming Guardians of 3, the new theory has popped up again. Now Gunn is quashing the rumour before it goes any further. When all put together, it’s easy to see why the theory started based on a significant character.

Did Peter Quill belong to Steve Rogers / Captain America?

When this rumour first debuted, it was only due to a strange twist: an actress who played Peter’s mother also played a different character who seemed to have eyes for Steve Rogers in an earlier period.

The character is of Meredith Quill played by Laura Haddock. The latter actress was also seen as a completely different character in Captain America: The First Avenger. As the screen rant recently reported, many fans thought that this mysterious woman Meredith was her mother, possibly making Peter Steve Rogers’ grandson.

Of course, it also assumes that it was an affair with the first female Rogers and a child she never knew about. Although he flirts with Steve, it is not revealed that they slept together.

Such a theory could be lined up by detecting all connective wire MCUs and loves the idea as canon. Now James Gunn is saying that there is no truth in this. Whether MCU fans will consider him an official source on the matter is yet to be determined.

Can Gunn be trusted with character matters related to the MCU?

There is no doubt that some Miracle fans are a bit of an outsider to consider Gunn when it comes to Miracles. After all, he is currently working for DC as well on the new Suicide Squad sequel. Both DC and Marvel are very competitive rivals with fan bases, often criticizing the other.

Whatever Gunn says about a beloved Miracle character, may not go well with most hardcore MCU fans. Reddit will probably soon determine what the reaction to Gunn saying is the Peter Quill / Captain America connection is nothing but fan fiction.

Because there might be a backlash against his comment, what it says about him being welcomed back to Marvel / maybe fans will return to his right side when the film comes out. The point behind his dismissal, however, is clearly where the story focuses on where Peter Quill goes next.

As intriguing as it was for Quill to find out he was probably interacting with his grandfather during the Endgame, the big story is the ignited romance between Quill and Gamora.

Peter’s grandfather has also already been seen anyway

To further suppress all rumours, Jens Gunn notes Peter the real grandfather Galaxy Vol. 1 was seen in the Guardian and then Vol. In 2. Gunn recently tweeted a Cinema Blend source proving this connection.

Let’s acknowledge the connection by connecting Peter and the hat is also strange, and the title derives back into the future field. How Gamora and Peter would link back is a far more interesting plot point focusing on the romantic.

Also, there is still a mystery about the Peter Celestials relationship through his father (ego) and what his background is. The possibility of the eternal will highlight this to help flesh out more about Peter’s former abilities.

Many fans note a Peter / Cap connection would also have made the MCU similar to the Skywalker saga, where it seems to drive family ties just a little too close.

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