Health insurance is essential to deal with lifestyle-related diseases

Health insurance is essential to deal with lifestyle-related diseases

Lifestyle diseases are increasing among Indians under 45 years of age. According to a recent report titled GOQii India Fit Report 2019, a California-based integrated preventive health Insurance Health platform, cholesterol has increased by 40% overall and the increase is 135% among individuals under 45 years. These numbers are comparable to the same report released by the platform last year.

The study shows that diabetes has seen an increase of about 40% among persons under 45 years of age and blood pressure has also increased by 90% among people of the same age group. GOQii compiled this report to study several parameters such as body mass index (BMI), sleep patterns, and stress levels of over 7 lakh Indian users.

Also, the report states that four out of ten Indians suffer from acute stress, and one in four have persistent aches and pains in their body. The overweight population in the country has increased from 55% to 57% last year, and Delhi tops the list of most obese individuals. On the other hand, Bengaluru is the healthiest city, according to the report.

Due to sedentary lifestyles and unhealthy eating habits, lifestyle diseases have found their way into every other Indian household. While you can do a lot in terms of keeping track of your fitness and diet, you also need to prepare financially for any emergency. This is where having adequate health insurance becomes important.

Get the right health cover

Health insurance is essential to deal with lifestyle-related diseases
Image Source: The Economic Times

According to the study, 20% of the population does not have health cover, with 32.5% believing that there is an illusion of decoding health insurance policies, while 14.3% think they’re healthy and do not need any insurance. Is. Insurance policies are considered complex, but when it comes to health insurance, these are some things that you should keep in mind. There are different types of policies, but experts say that for the first plan, you should take a regular health insurance plan, which has adequate insurance. “There is no replacement for a comprehensive health plan, which comes with compensation cover,” Indranil Chatterjee said. -Founder and Chief Officer, Once you have this space, you can consider purchasing a critical illness plan, which gives high coverage and is not limited to a particular disease, as opposed to a disease-specific policy that only covers a specific disease Is condition. Critical illness policies cover 30–35 illnesses. If you have a family history, you should consider purchasing disease-specific policies such as cancer insurance. If not, it is better to go for a critical illness plan. Note that regular health plans. Also covers diseases like cancer. However, the advantage with a compensatory cancer plan is that OPD expenses are covered and an insurance amount is determined for cancer.

While choosing a health insurance policy always watch out for a high no claim bonus. “No-Claim Bonus (NCB) should be on the higher side, so if you don’t make any claims for the year, then you should benefit. Chatterjee said,” Specifically, the product has 50% as NCB. Should, which makes it more attractive. Ensure that the insurance company has an extensive network of hospitals under its purview for your convenience. Also, for health policy to work best for you, make sure it does not have a co-payment clause. The co-payment clause requires the insured to pay a portion of the medical expenses on his own.

The type of policy you need and the cover depends on your family’s needs. It depends on the number of people in the family and their age. “A young family can do with a basic cover of $ 5 million, while a family with more significant members should choose a more massive floater cover. Family floater premiums are associated with the age of the eldest family member. Chatterjee said if the mother – If the father is over 50, it would be prudent for them to get a separate cover, and they will not be included in the floater plan.

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