Crazy insecure husband in New York killed her wife because she had a crush on a celeb

Crazy insecure husband in New York killed her wife because she had a crush on a celeb

Dineshwar Buddhist killed his wife because she had a crush on Hrithik Roshan. The 33-year-old killed his wife by stabbing his 26-year-old wife Donne Doljoy with a knife. He left her body in the house and hung himself later that day.

This is maybe one of the most strange and bizarre reasons to commit homicide. This shows that we should stay away from unstable people who can’t give space to others.

One of the colleagues of Donne gave a statement saying, ” She told me that whenever she was at the house watching a movie hearing a song with Hritik Roshan in it, her husband would order her to take it off because he would get so insecure.”

Another friend of Dineshwar said, ” I believe that he loved her, but at the identical time, he was obsessed with her, because of the type of job she did, and she had a good body. She looked great; she always made her money, so he was probably jealous of her”.

Donna was a bartender at one time. When she was alive last evening, she told a chef in the lounge that she was going to cool down in her old Ozone Park apartment with Budhabad.

It is unclear what occurred between Donna and Dineshwar that could trigger a fight so severe that he would be forced to stab her to death. After killing his wife, Dineshwar left his sister with a Tahrir, saying that he had killed his wife. Later, he hanged himself on a nearby farm and died.

Some co-workers and friends reported that Dineshwar would often threaten his wife to kill her, but she never took his threats seriously. Dineshwar felt unstable that his wife had a crush on a famous Bollywood celebrity, which somehow prompted him to kill his wife.

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