Although Captain Marvel will not receive another standalone installment as part of Phase 4, it goes without saying that the former fighter pilot will once again make his entrance. That possibility will help set a force in motion — an all-female Avengers team that has previously been hinted at — but especially the chase — the defining moment in Avengers: Endgame when the female savior banded together. So what happens when MCU captain Marvel 2 hits the silver screen?
Recent insider reports suggest that one of the most notable X male characters will join Captain Marvel 2 as an antagonist, more closely aligning with the character’s comic book origins as Fox under Mutant Opposed to film portrayal. So, what do we know so far?
‘Captain Marvel 2’ will reportedly introduce Rogue
According to Marvel Insider Mickey Sutton, and superhero Buzz reported on it, Rogue would be one of the first X-Men characters to join the MCU. Superhero Buzz, noting Sutton’s credible past, said:
The first X Men fans will see in the MCU may be one of the most unpredictable ones, at least to be launched initially. Sutton has heard from many inside sources that Wicked is being developed to be an essential figure in reviewing X Men under the intense vision of Kevin Feige. Just like her comic book debut … The crook will appear as a villain, a member of the mutant terrorist group.
If you read the scoop above, you probably assumed that the terrorist group Magneto’s brotherhood of evil mutants; However, this precise narrative detail remains undetermined. The Sutton name was said to be shortened, and Feige reportedly wants the place “magneto on the shelf … due to Fox burnout.”
Although Rogue may join the MCU as a villain, and as part of the mutant terrorist group fans are familiar with, the group and its members may not all be visible or have various iterations with adjusted stories. To avoid copying, as may appear in Fox plots that have been overused.
What will happen to the X-Men under the MCU?
Discussion over the MCU overhaul of Super Hero Buzz X continues on Men, as it is likely that Kevin Feige may wish to avoid keeping the same figures highlighted in the Fox headlines. Not to mention, there are many stories with multiple relationships existing between the various X-Men and the Avengers to make space on the silver screen.
Allegedly, the use of the Marrowders has been discussed with Mr. Desperate as the head of the terrorist mutant group instead of Magneto; However, this rumor is based on brainstorming alone.
So far, Rogue has been scheduled as the villain for Captain Marvel 2 or Captain Marvel 3. For now, let’s stick with that exciting bit of news before diving too far, X Men is still likely to be way off, and it’s a few more steps until we come to the pleasure of watching a full X Men movie It is possible. However, it is only a matter of time, as Fox.
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